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The Importance of Social Media Archiving

Marketing Team
Social media archiving is important for businesses to keep track of communications with customers

There’s no secret that the world of social media has exploded in the 21st century, and as such, more and more businesses are taking advantage of social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. While the platforms in question, among others, are a great way of bridging the gap between customers and businesses when it comes to communications, retaining the information garnered can be a little more difficult than if the information was relayed via email.

Fortunately, as the Internet evolves, so do the services on offer, and social media archiving isn’t just the latest craze, it’s something that every business utilising social media should embrace with open arms, for a number of reasons.

For more information about social media communications recording and retention, download our free Guide to Social Media Archiving.


Why Use Social Media Archiving?

Although free social network platforms are a great way of communicating with customers, they can be problematic when it comes to keeping records. The world of social media is so fast paced that if you blink, you could miss an all-important trend that could make a great deal of difference as to how you and your business communicates with its customers.

There is also the fact that businesses cannot rely on the likes of Facebook and Twitter to keep records for them, especially with the number of updates and layout changes that are instilled on a regular basis.

Of course, you may wish to try and tackle the task yourself, but this in itself can mean that you are using time that could be used more wisely within other aspects of your business. As such, you should look to employ the services of a reputable social media archiving company to ensure that all social media records are kept up to date.

When it comes to social media archiving, there’s not only the benefits to consider. Business owners also have to ensure that they are following regulations such as recording electronic communications under MiFID II, Article 16. A number of companies have been exposed to a number of legal claims, simply because they have been unable to rely on the current systems to respond to a case. It is, therefore vital that companies have a robust solution in place at all times.

 Find out more in our free Guide to Social Media Archiving.



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